ANA Cal™ gives a high concentration of hydroxyl ions, thanks to the high content of calcium hydroxide (>38%), still with a smooth consistency. These generate the high pH value of 12.4 which has a pronounced bactericidal effect, i.e eliminate bacteria. ANA Cal™is radio-opaque.

High concentration of calcium hydroxide also means long-lasting treatment due to that the paste can release calcium ions for a longer period of time. ANA Cal™is a ready-to-use product, in air tight syringes, for direct application thru the included needles.

Facts & Benefits

High concentration, >38%
Pure calcium hydroxide
Smooth consistency
Pre filled syringe

Powerful, long-lasting effect
Optimal ion release
Precise and deep access
Direct, quick and easy application
One product – many indications

ANA Cal™ Calcium Hydroxide    Art. Nr. 123 01 00